Laser Skin Therapy for Rosacea
At FADE, we exclusively offer the world's leading Laser Skin Therapy - PicoSure® Focus. This therapy is very effective in treating Rosacea - you can read more below, or book a Free Consultation with one of our expert Clinicians today.
What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a common form of adult acne. It differs from person to person - it can appear as redness, pimples, blushing, broken capillaries or poor skin texture. It can present as thickening of the skin - particularly on the nose.
Unlike acne, Rosacea is a life-long condition. However, the good news is that it can be effectively controlled with lifestyle changes, diet, specialist products, and of course, Laser therapy.
Rosacea symptoms include redness, red pimples, broken capillaries, irritated eyes and thicker than usual skin.
Some symptoms to watch out for:
If you suspect that you have Rosacea, watch for these symptoms:
Persistent facial redness: Redness on the face that looks like you’re blushing or that you spent too much time in the sun is an early indication of rosacea.
Bumps and pimples: While you may mistake it for acne, Rosacea bumps are small, solid, and red in color.
Visible facial blood vessels: Enlarged blood vessels close to the surface of the skin.
Eye irritation: Eyes that appear bloodshot, watery, and swollen, or that develop frequent sties. If you have these symptoms, it’s important to seek treatment to avoid any damage to the cornea over the long term.
Dry, thick skin: Skin that is drier and thicker than normal.
Plaque: One or more raised red patches, called plaques, may appear.
Facial swelling: Known as edema, facial swelling can appear with other symptoms or on its own.
Some detail on our Laser - the PicoSure® Focus
The treatment
The good news is that Laser Treatment can greatly diminish Rosacea
While Laser therapy cannot completely cure Rosacea, it can play a very important role in treating the condition. Laser Therapy can decrease redness, visibility of capillaries, excessive tissue and inflammation. And of course at FADE, as with all our Laser therapies, we exclusively offer PicoSure® Focus - the world's only picosecond laser, and the most advanced technology available worldwide.
If you have Rosacea or any skin condition causing redness or scarring, we recommend you call in to us for a 100% free, no commitment consultation. We'll be able to advise if our advanced Laser skin therapy would be effective for you, and can advise on cost, pre and post treatment care, and likely outcomes. Call in to our Studio at No. 2 Grafton Street Dublin, or contact us today.
What else can help with Rosacea?
What we recommend is the use of Laser treatment in conjunction with other preventative measures. These include:
Reducing stress
Reducing alcohol, spicy & sugary foods
Avoiding extreme changes of temperature where possible
Minimising UV exposure & using SPF30+ when in the sun
Avoiding cleaning products that contain alcohol
Avoiding toner
Avoiding high strength Vitamin A creams
Using low strength Vitamin A, B and C to reduce Rosacea flare ups
Avoiding exfoliating with BHA or AHAs, or facial scrubs
Avoiding facials as they could cause a flare up
Keeping showers to less than 3 minutes
If you wear makeup, choosing a mineral-based brand
As with all of our Laser skin treatments, we recommend avoiding tanning beds, sunless tanning creams and prolonged sun exposure for four weeks prior to your first appointment. We also recommend that clients stop using topical retina, retinol or retinoid products 48 hours prior to treatment. If you have any questions, get in touch, or drop in to us for a Free Consultation.
After Care
Post-treatment, you can expect a few hours of fairly minimal redness. We do recommend that you treat your skin as gently as possible. If you want to wash the treated area, consider using a soft washcloth or sponge, as the rough texture of a normal cloth may aggravate the skin.
If you wish to moisturise or comfort the skin make sure to apply only soothing products and creams. In addition, use antioxidants and moisturisers that won’t cause redness or irritation. We recommend that you moisturise 2 - 3 times per day. However, if you are prone to breakouts or have oily skin, please wait 24 hours before applying any products directly to the treated skin.
Following treatment, it will be normal to want to touch or pick at the skin. Please don’t give into temptation! Picking the skin prematurely runs the risk of increasing redness or causing scarring.
After laser treatment the skin is more vulnerable to sunlight, so we recommend minimising sun exposure and use of sunscreen of SPF30+.
We will talk through all of your pre and post treatment care in detail at your consultation - get in touch or call in to us at our Studio on Grafton Street, Dublin 2 or book your Free Consultation now.