Age Spots & Sun Damage treatments

There are many factors that can affect the skin’s appearance and texture, including the natural ageing process, sun exposure, or skin conditions. At FADE, we offer a range of advanced therapies that can rejuvenate & refresh the skin’s appearance, exclusively using the world's leading Laser Skin Therapy - PicoSure® Focus.


How does the treatment work?

Using highly targeted energy, our PicoSure Laser gently disrupts the particles responsible for a range of pigment conditions like freckles, sunspots and other discoloration.

Unlike other lasers, our PicoSure Laser doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. Instead, PicoSure is designed to activate the body’s natural immune response while minimizing injury and discomfort. Because it uses gentle pressure instead of dangerous, damaging heat there’s no need for a long, painful recovery. In fact, most patients only experience a few hours of mild redness.

The laser delivers an ultra-short energy pulse to the skin. This gentle pressure activates the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin, without damaging the skin. This stimulates the skin’s deeper layers to improve the appearance of sun-damaged, unevenly pigmented, or wrinkled skin. 


Treatment of age spots & wrinkles with the PicoSure® Focus Lens Array

Removing age spots with PicoSure is fast, convenient and pain free.


The result?


Brighter, healthier, younger-looking skin — with virtually no downtime. That’s breakthrough.


After treatment, most people experience only 1 to 3 hours of minor swelling and redness. Because PicoSure® Focus doesn’t burn and damage the surface of the skin, make-up, moisturisers and sun screens may be applied after treatment. 

Our clients typically notice visible improvements after one or two treatments. However, for optimal results, we recommend a series of four PicoSure® Focus Facial Rejuvenation treatments, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. With PicoSure® Focus, there’s no special prep and procedures typically take about 10 - 15 minutes. Most people experience no pain and describe treatments as feeling like the snapping of a rubber band, but we can offer cooling treatments as part of our care to minimize any possible discomfort.


Before & After Images of PicoSure® Focus. Source: Picosure

Treatment of dark spots with the PicoSure® Focus Lens Array

PicoSure skin revitalization helps remove unwanted pigment and age lines for a more youthful appearance.



We recommend avoiding tanning beds, sunless tanning creams and prolonged sun exposure for four weeks prior to your first appointment. We also recommend that clients stop using topical retina, retinol or retinoid products 48 hours prior to treatment. If you have any questions, get in touch, or drop in to us for a Free Consultation. 


After Care

Post-treatment, you can expect a few hours of fairly minimal redness. We do recommend that you treat your skin as gently as possible. If you want to wash the treated area, consider using a soft washcloth or sponge, as the rough texture of a normal cloth may aggravate the skin. 

If you wish to moisturise or comfort the skin make sure to apply only soothing products and creams. In addition, use antioxidants and moisturisers that won’t cause redness or irritation. We recommend that you moisturise 2 - 3 times per day. However, if you are prone to breakouts or have oily skin, please wait 24 hours before applying any products directly to the treated skin.

Following treatment, it will be normal to want to touch or pick at the skin. Please don’t give into temptation! Picking the skin prematurely runs the risk of increasing redness or causing scarring.

After laser treatment the skin is more vulnerable to sunlight, so we recommend minimising sun exposure and use of sunscreen of SPF30+.

We will talk through all of your pre and post treatment care in detail at your consultation - get in touch or call in to us at our Studio on Grafton Street, Dublin 2 or book your Free Consultation now. 
