Will Laser Tattoo Removal leave a scar?


At FADE, we exclusively offer PicoSure® Pro, the best Laser Tattoo Removal technology available. PicoSure® Pro is designed with safety in mind and incidents of scarring are very rare. Tattoo removal treatments require more energy than skin revitalization and some patients may experience hypopigmentation (a lightening in skin color of the treated area), or hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) but this is usually temporary and normal skin is typically restored once healing is complete, within 1–12 months. There is a slightly higher risk of hypopigmentation in darker skin types.

As part of your consultation, our expert Clinicians will assess your skin type and your tattoo type. We’ll take a full history of all relevant information, and advise you on any risk of scarring. We will also carry out a patch test on your skin, to help determine the best treatment plan for you.

At FADE, all our clinicians are certified with VTCT Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology, VTCT Level 4 Heat Light and Laser and advanced Tattoo Removal training from Cynosure, the world’s leading Laser Tattoo Technology, so you can be sure you’re receiving the best treatment available.

The PicoSure® Pro Laser targets just the ink, and doesn’t affect the surrounding tissue. Come in to us for your free, no commitment consultation, and get your personalised treatment plan today.