Is Laser Tattoo Removal safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding?



When it comes to Laser Tattoo Removal during pregnancy or breastfeeding, we recommend speaking with your GP, and in all cases we will follow their advice. There is no research to suggest that Laser Tattoo Removal is a risk to you or your baby’s health while pregnant. However, as it is impossible to be 100% certain that there is zero risk, as a precaution, our policy is to wait for 3 months after pregnancy before carrying out Laser Tattoo Removal. We take our clients’ health very seriously, and so even just for peace of mind, we recommend waiting.

With PicoSure® Pro Laser Tattoo Removal, any risk of infection is extremely low. However, as everyone is different, your skin may react more to treatment than usual. Some blistering of cracking in the area being treated is possible, and if this happens, your risk of infection will naturally increase. While this is normal, we don’t schedule treatments during pregnancy to avoid this risk.

Another factor we take into consideration is photosensitivity, which increases during pregnancy. This means that the skin becomes more sensitive to light and therefore more likely to react to the laser. Again, to ensure the best outcome for you, we’d advise holding off so there is no increased risk to your skin.



What if I have already had Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment before discovering I was pregnant?

While we won’t schedule a Laser Tattoo Removal treatment during pregnancy, if you have already had treatment there is no reason to worry. The ink pigment that is fractured by the PicoSure laser is on a superficial layer of the skin, and is broken down naturally by the immune system, and will not pose a danger to your baby. So the upshot is: we don’t advise any more treatments until 3 months after pregnancy as a precaution, but don't worry now. Again, we recommend speaking with your GP to run over any particular concerns.



As with pregnancy, there are no studies at this time indicating that there are risks associated with breastfeeding and laser tattoo removal, but it is better to be cautious and so again, it’s out policy to wait until 3 months after breastfeeding before carrying out Laser Tattoo Removal.

All FADE clinicians are certified with VTCT Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology, VTCT Level 4 Heat Light and Laser and advanced Tattoo Removal training from Cynosure, the world’s leading Laser Tattoo Technology. We’re Ireland’s only dedicated Laser Tattoo Removal clinic, and we’re committed to providing you with the very best care. If you have any specific concerns, we will be happy to talk them over with you, and we recommend speaking with your GP so that we can offer you treatment that is aligned with their advice.

If you have any questions get in touch or come in and talk to one of our clinicians for a Free Consultation.